Personnel Commission » Personnel Commission

Personnel Commission

The next meeting of the Personnel Commission will be held in the Community Room
at the District Office on Tuesday, August 20, 2024 at 4:45 pm.

In order to speak at the meeting, you will need to submit a public speaker request form. 
This form must be submitted to the Personnel Commission Director on or before the start of the meeting to discuss non-agenda items; and prior to the time that the item is discussed during the meeting to speak about an item on the agenda.  The form will be available at the sign-in desk in the meeting room.
Speakers will be asked to keep their comments brief, and will be allotted 3 minutes per speaker, per topic.
The Personnel Commission is responsible for Recruitments for Classified positions
For Verification of Employment, Employee Tax Documents, or other Payroll questions click Payroll
For questions about Leave of Absence, Retirement, or other Personnel issues click 
For questions about Employee Benefits click Benefits or email [email protected]
For questions about Classified Recruitment call or email [email protected]
Personnel Commission - Staff and Commissioners
Title Name Email Phone
Director Rebecca Lee, Ed.D [email protected] (858) 521-2799
Administrative Assistant II Michelle Doehr [email protected] (858) 521-2794
Human Resources Assistant Jacqueline Cypher [email protected] (858) 521-2791
Human Resources Specialist Ryan Graggs [email protected] (858) 521-2796
Human Resources Specialist Danielle Strauss [email protected] (858) 521-2798
Human Resources Analyst Deborah Batchie [email protected] (858) 521-2793
Human Resources Analyst Max Herrera [email protected] (858) 521-2797
Chairperson David Little [email protected]  
Commissioner David Aguirre    
Commissioner Carol Osborne