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Bernardo Fire Evacuation FAQ

Bernardo Fire & Poway USD Schools FAQ

Please Note: This FAQ document may need to be updated as the situation evolves. Monitor the Poway Unified School District website and social media channels for the latest information.

  1. What schools are being evacuated?
  • Rolling Hills Elementary School is currently being evacuated.
  • All other schools in the Poway Unified School District are operating on their regular dismissal schedules.

  1. Where are students and staff from Rolling Hills Elementary being evacuated to?
  • Students and staff from Rolling Hills Elementary are being evacuated to Poway High School.

  1. Can I pick up my student from Rolling Hills Elementary?
  • Yes. Parents, guardians, and emergency contacts may pick up their students at Poway High School.
  • Please present a valid photo ID upon arrival.

  1. What if I am unable to pick up my child immediately?
  • If you are unable to pick up your child from Poway High School immediately, supervision will be provided until a parent, guardian, or emergency contact is available.
  • Lunch will be provided to students. 

  1. Is Poway High School still in session?
  • Yes, Poway High School remains in session.

  1. Did Rolling Hills Elementary School burn down?
  • No, the school did not burn down. 

Last Updated: January 22, 2025 - 12:08PM

Please Note: This FAQ document may need to be updated as the situation evolves. Monitor the Poway Unified School District website and social media channels for the latest information.