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Local, State and National Resources and Support

The California Parent and Youth Helpline provides support and resource referrals to parent and youth during the current COVID-19 pandemic, 7-days a week from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.  Call or text 1-855-4APARENT (855-427-2736) for services in English, Spanish and other languages.  For more information, please visit: https://caparentyouthhelpline.org/

 ADHD/Dyslexia/Dysgraphia/Dyscalculia & other Learning Disabilities

The Exceptional Family Resource Center offices remain closed in accordance with current social distancing mandates. EFRC staff will continue to support families remotely. We appreciate the unprecedented challenges families are facing, and will do our best to provide support, current information, resources and referral services. We may not have all the answers, however we will listen to your concerns and try our best to meet your needs. 
Please contact us at 619-594-7416 (San Diego) or 760-355-0147 for assistance. Additionally, we encourage you communicate regularly with your services providers, teachers, and other professionals who support your family. Support groups and training activities are now virtual (via zoom). In collaboration with Disability Rights CA, Down Syndrome Assoc. and the State Council on Developmental Disabilities, several information sessions were held in April. Plans are underway to schedule more sessions and networking opportunities. Parent feedback has been positive. We encourage you to join us to share information and connect with other parents. Checkout  EFRConline and follow us on Facebook for updates on workshops, resources and “Tip of the Day.“


Cosponsor and Include H.R. 6420, the All Dependent Children Count Act, in the next COVID-19 Relief Package!


2-1-1 San Diego is a resource and information hub that connects people with community, health and disaster services. Resources include food, shelter, diaper exchanges, health services and more.

COVID-19 Resources

California MAP to Inclusion and Belonging*Making Access Possible – Resources for Early Care and Education, Early Intervention and Early Childhood Special Education Professionals Working During the Pandemic

FACT is offering free transportation for San Diego residents for any essential need until the stay at home order is lifted. Seniors, persons with disabilities, students, veterans and other residents who need assistance, may call FACT at 888-924-3228 between 8am and 3pm, Monday through Friday, to request free transportation anywhere in San Diego County.

National Down Syndrome Society Visitors in Hospitals Guide

San Diego Family Magazine: Flourishing Families
Annual resource guide for families and agencies in San Diego and Imperial Counties. It is a comprehensive list of behavior, education and health resources and more.


The California Department of Education (CDE) is monitoring the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation and working closely with agency partners. Local educational agencies (LEAs) are encouraged to follow California Department of Public Health recommendations. LEAs should identify plans for communicating with families and consider learning supports for school closures.

CA Dept of Education Resources

Special Education Guidance for COVID-19

Imperial County SELPA

San Diego County SELPAs

Useful Wellness and Mental Health Apps

Articles tell us what to do, but apps help lead us and remind us to practice self-care every day. These high quality apps have been made available to UC San Fransico with some also free to the general public.

Early Education Programs and Services Survey (San Diego Co. Office of Education)

All essential workers in the region are asked to complete our short online child care survey to determine type of care, age groups, hours, and locations needed. Questions: Please contact Lucia Garay at 858-292-3801 or [email protected]
“Communication leads to community, that is, to understanding, intimacy and mutual valuing.” Rollo May
