PPAP Induction
California Teacher Induction
California has a two-tiered credentialing system for teachers. Preliminary programs prepare candidates to obtain an initial teaching credential through successful completion of required coursework, fieldwork, and a performance demonstration of their knowledge, skills, and abilities. The second tier of preparation is a two-year job-embedded individualized induction program that is focused on extensive support and mentoring to new teachers in their first and second year of teaching.
California Teacher Induction (formerly BTSA) is the required pathway to a California Professional Clear Teaching Credential and is co-administered by the California Department of Education (CDE) and the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC). Induction Programs are accredited through the CTC and designed in accordance with Standards for Quality and Effectiveness.
The Poway Unified School District Induction Program is a component of the Poway Professional Assistance Program/PAR (PPAP/PAR). PPAP Induction is single district program, approved through the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) in accordance with the Standards for Quality and Effectiveness. The program is designed as a two-year, individualized, job-embedded system focused on mentoring, support and professional learning that begins in the first year of teaching for eligible Candidates holding a Preliminary Teaching Credential.
The program and work of the Teacher Consultant is based upon principles of cognitive coaching, adult learning theory, theories around inquiry, action research, and change theory. These principles are used to examine practice and implementation of the Poway Continuum of Teaching Standards (in correlation with the CSTPs) within applicable context. The PPAP Induction program is committed to fostering professional growth of beginning teachers through honest, data-driven feedback, individualized support, advanced professional development, and 1:1 mentoring from an experienced Teacher Consultant.
Advisement and Eligibility
At the point of hire, the Human Resources Technicians will analyze each beginning teacher’s credential to determine the individual requirements set forth by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing and inform the teacher of those requirements. At that time, beginning teachers complete an Induction Eligibility Form, which also notifies the teacher of their responsibility to enroll into an Induction Program. The Induction Eligibility Form is provided to the PPAP Induction Program Coordinator who verifies information and confirms eligibility and program availability for participation. Candidates are informed of eligibility and program availability at the start of the year.
- Hold a Preliminary Multiple, Single Subject or Education Specialist Credential
Have less than two years of contracted teaching experience
Be employed as a full time contracted teacher of record in PUSD, K-12-
Teaching in credentialed area
Teaching a minimum of two sections in curricular area
- Teachers hired after the start of the year, have more than two years of experience or are contracted part time, will be considered based on the above criteria and program availability
- Substitute and impact teachers are not eligible for Poway's Induction program
- Hold a Preliminary Multiple, Single Subject or Education Specialist Credential
Grievance Process for Admission
Should a concern regarding admission into Poway's Induction program occur, the applicant should contact the Director of Human Resources to communicate the grievance and request a reconsideration for admission into the program. The Director of Human Resources and the Associate Superintendent of Personnel Support Services will review the grievance and communicate the decision to the applicant within 7 days. The Associate Superintendent of Personnel Support Services decision shall be final.
Requirements Overview
Enrollment and Completion
All Induction Candidates must attend a Mandatory Induction Orientation Meeting. Program information, purpose and requirements are reviewed, and Candidates officially enroll by completing the Participating Candidate Agreement. This agreement confirms the Candidate understands the expectations and accepts the conditions for participating in the Poway Induction Program. Once accepted and enrolled in the Poway Induction program, the candidate will retain participation status until:
- Completion of the program
- Withdrawal from the program
- Dropped from the program based on established criteria; or
- Admitted to another approved program to complete the requirements
A Transportability Process is in place if a candidate leaves Poway Unified School District and enrolls in another Induction Program. The Program Coordinator will ensure all documentation and paperwork that demonstrates program status is verified and submitted to the enrolling program with minimal disruption. A letter of completion and a copy of the Completion form will be sent to the new enrolling program.
In the event the Poway Induction program deems an Induction Candidate did not satisfactorily complete the Induction program, the Induction Candidate has the right to appeal through the identified Grievance Process.
It is essential that each candidate has updated their personal contact information on the CTC website and that all fees required by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing be submitted within 90 days of the recommendation to ensure receiving the Professional Clear Credential. If an Induction Candidate’s Preliminary Credential expires prior to June of their 2nd year in the Induction Program, it is imperative that the Candidate contact their assigned Human Resources Technician as soon as possible.
In the event the PUSD Induction Program closes, a teach out plan has been developed to assist candidates to complete requirements with minimal disruption, for the authorization. The teach out plan is provided on the program website and within the Induction Handbook. The PUSD Induction Program will teach out the school year with all candidates and Year 2 candidates will complete the program with PUSD. PUSD will offer enrolled Year 1 candidates a variety of accredited program options that meet the adopted standards and candidates will transition to another program of their choice to complete Year 2. Candidates will be responsible for program fees. The PUSD Induction program will forward a completion form/transcript to the candidate and/or the program the candidate selects outlining the requirements and ILP progress to date. Additional records of completion and evidence can be found in the candidates’ portfolio that belongs to the candidate.
Early Completion Option (ECO)
The Poway Induction Program also offers an Early Completion Option (ECO), which is available for experienced and exceptional candidates (Education Code Section 44279.25.) Information is available with the Handbook, on the MyConnect course, program website and will be reviewed at the Induction Orientation meeting. If a candidate is interested in applying for this option, they should notify their Teacher Consultant and discuss the option and its requirements. The Program Coordinator and Director of Human Resources evaluates and approves the candidates’ request for ECO.
Nondiscrimination Philosophy and Policy Statement
The Poway Unified School District (PUSD) is an equal opportunity employer/program and is committed to an active Nondiscrimination Program. PUSD prohibits discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying based on actual or perceived protected characteristics under the law, including but not limited to ancestry, age, color, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, nationality, race or ethnicity, immigration status, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or association with a person or a group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. For more information, please contact the Title IX/Equity Compliance Officer, Associate Superintendent of Personnel Support Services, Poway Unified School District, 15250 Avenue of Science, San Diego, CA 92128-3406, 858-521-2800, extension 2121.