District and School Reports
School Site Reports
The School Accountability Report Cards and Student Achievement Plans are viewed using Adobe Acrobat Reader (PDF).
California Accountability Model & School Dashboard
California’s new accountability and continuous improvement system provides information about how local educational agencies and schools are meeting the needs of California’s diverse student population based on a concise set of measures.
The system can be accessed by visiting www.caschooldashboard.org from any Web browser. Please take the time to review the video tutorial and fast start guide to better understand the new system.

2019 California Science Test Results
Attention 2019 12th grade students – The state anticipates releasing the scores from the California Science Test that you took in the spring sometime in January 2020.
Dear Parents, In the spring of 2019 your student in grades 3 to 8 and 11 took the CAASPP state assessment. For the first time, the state is no longer providing CAASPP results in paper format for parents. To view your student's scores, log into MyPLAN at the link. Please click the Step-by-Step guide linked below for instructions on how to view your student's scores.
If you cannot access your student’s scores, please email [email protected].