PUSD Collecting Input for Annual Survey

take the LCAP survey

From February 1 through February 16, 2024, PUSD will be conducting its District wide annual survey to gather stakeholder and community input on their Local Control Accountability Plan, or LCAP, which will help shape the District’s goals and guide budgeting priorities for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year.


Click here to get started: bit.ly/2024pusdlcap 


Please review this graphic to see the impact of previous feedback.

lcap impact slide2LCAP recap1

This year, PUSD is asking survey takers to answer the following question: What existing or additional programs or specific supports should we prioritize to ensure our students’ future success?” 

Responses are confidential, and stakeholders can respond with as few or as many different ideas as they would like. After sharing their own thoughts, they will be asked to assign stars to the ideas shared by others, and read what’s most important to fellow stakeholders. Click here to get started: bit.ly/2024pusdlcap 

During the open survey period, from February 1 - February 16, 2024, respondents can come back to the survey as often as they would like to participate, and view and rate some of the new ideas that have been shared since they first participated.